Get New City Multi YLM Model

City Multi YLM – The Ultimate heating and cooling solutions. SWAT Engineering and Mitsubishi Electric presents new aluminium VRF air conditioning technology in City Multi Range. The units designed to achieve more seasonal efficiency with ensure that customers get optimum performance year round in real United Kingdom applications. City Multi YLM Models use a unique […]

Fujitsu Airstage V-III Time to Replace Air Conditioning

SWAT Engineering and Fujitsu General UK are introducing replacement for five years old model V-II, adopting many features from the latest three-pipe VR-II model and updating its two-pipe heat pump VRF. This year offering with the launch of the new Fujitsu Airstage V-III range with more sizes and numerous new features. Please visit our online […]

Hitachi’s New RCIM FSN4 Mini Cassette Model

Low Noise Hitachi Air Conditioning Mini Cassette – Solution for those who love silence! Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe has introduced what it claims is the lowest noise level Hitachi Mini Cassette air conditioner on the market. Hitachi’s new RCIM FSN4 Mini Cassette range is claimed to be the widest on the market, with capacities ranging […]

Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan Air Source Heat Pumps

What are air source heat pumps? Ecodan air source heat pumps are the renewable, low carbon alternative to traditional high carbon heating systems suitable for any environment from small flats to large houses, and from an office block to a school. Ecodan heat pumps represent reliable, renewable heating technology that delivers highly efficient sustainable space […]

Ecodan Air Source Heat Pump Order Guidance

With our continued actions aimed at improving our business operations, service levels and stock visibility, we are ready and able to accept orders for the Ecodan Air Source Heat Pumps R32 and Systems: Product Description Lead Times (Weeks) 4kW R744 1Ph Mono ASHP Low GWP & 200L Thermal Store Cylinder Pkg 2 5kW R32 1Ph […]

Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay Series for Commercial Units

Commercial ventilation systems. Mitsubishi Electric Lossnay commercially oriented systems can be utilised virtually anywhere to extract stale air and then recover the heating or cooling energy to either warm or cool incoming fresh air. Commercial Lossnay series are an exceptional ventilation for commercial applications and are ideal for schools, factories, restaurants, offices, small shops, hotels […]

Mitsubishi Lossnay heat recovery ventilation systems

To utilise recoverable energy, Mitsubishi Lossnay is able to save up to 30% on the capital outlay by reducing the heating and cooling loads within an occupied space. Mitsubishi Lossnay is the perfect solution Mitsubishi Lossnay utilises heat recovery paper cores within its MVHR and packaged AHU systems to provide excellent ventilation alongside a heating […]

Fujitsu energy recovery ventilation efficient and ecological solution

What is energy recovery ventilation? In simple words, when a room is cooled or heated, the exhausted cooling or heating energy is recovered by heat-exchange ventilation. Normal ventilation is used in the spring and autumn, when rooms are not cooled or heated. This means that when there is little difference between the indoor and outdoor […]